Tuesday, November 1, 2011

God loves you Mommy

So today was interesting. I spent most of the day cleaning up diarrhea - both boys must have a bug. However, the Lord gave me an extra measure of everything I needed. The boys and I enjoyed a walk at sunset and on our walk., Grant asked if he could pray for me, out of nowhere. He said "dear god thank you for my mommy" then as I put him to be he asked if he could sing me the mommy song, he made it up and it goes "god loves you mommy, repeat" earlier this morning he said he wants to live with me forever. What a sweet day.

Friday, August 5, 2011

A few sweet things

July 24 2001- Grant asks Jesus to live in his heart.

Aug 3- Grant says that " I have Paigey and Mommy and Jesus in my heart wherever I go"

Aug 5- Grant, do you know that Kyle is your best friend? Why is Kyle your best friend?
Because I love him
What do you love about him?
I like him.
What do you like about him?
He's special.
Why is he special?
Because God made him special.

I think this kid is getting it! Praise Jesus!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Don't blink...

We had such a fun weekend. We didn't do anything really just spent time together and I found myself thinking over and over, " I just couldn't be any happier". We played in the pool Friday afternoon and brought Paige home with us. We fed the kids dinner and got them down early and Scott and i had the evening together. we had some great conversation and watched tv together. The next morning, we took a long walk together made breakfast and went to swim with the Gentry's. We went home took naps and then went swimming again with meagan, Gideon and Kara and her crew. We ate around the pool and got the boys down early. We went to church on Sunday and then played and worked around the house the rest of the day. Scott and the boys had some really fun time together that evening and it was all around just a really sweet weekend.

Swim lessons

We have had the boys in swimming lessons. Grant started out pretty much terrified. I think he was more upset about not being on his own terms than he actually was afraid of the water. Scott and I prayed and talked to him and within just a few (long and emotional) days he was swimming like a little fish. It has been so fun to watch him gain confidence and watch God answer his prayers as God made him strong and courageous.   It has been so fun rewarding him for his progress and practicing with him. We have been in the pool constantly. I am thankful to be a stay at home mom and get to participate in this whole process.  And today he decided that since he could calm himself down at swim lessons, he might just be able to be brave and conquer his next biggest fear; loud airport potties that flush on their own!  He said it not me! How cool to watch him learn to trust himself, his parents and God himself. We take one step of faith and we get excited to trust again and again.

Kyle, is a natural. He can hold his breath, and likes to hold his breath for crazy amounts of time. He is loving the water. He cried some at first but caught on very quickly. Its so fun to watch him learn too! Swim lessons have actually made me a little more nervous around the water with him- he thinks he can swim like the big kids!

Monday, June 6, 2011

God, what are you doing in heaven?

Here is the conversation we overheard Grant have tonight while we were in the other room:
"God...God...What are you doing up in heaven, taking care of Mommy's Daddy?"
So precious.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sea World

So now I understand how those parks make so much money. We had a blast taking Grant for his 3rd Birthday! Scott took off of work and Kyle stayed with Mima and just the three of us went to SeaWorld. I had so much fun just playing with Grant all day! It was such a sweet day, I will never forget.

But he wants to screech mama!

I got kind of irritated today in the car by Kyle's constant LOUD screeching and Grant started to tear up and said "but he wants to screech mama" I guess you had to be there, it was really cute and gave me an extra measure of patience for the screeching!